
Scan mobile phone

0769-8904 9836


Mobile phone spare parts
Mobile phone spare parts
Mobile phone spare parts
Mobile phone spare parts
Conversion circuit board terminals
Conversion circuit board terminals
SMT wire rack
SMT wire rack
Motor stator silicon steel sheet
Motor stator silicon steel sheet
Precision terminal CARD series
Precision terminal CARD series
Plastic component
Plastic component
FPC reinforced steel sheet
FPC reinforced steel sheet
Case of FPC reinforced steel sheet
Case of FPC reinforced steel sheet
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National Enquiry Hotline

0769-8904 9836

188 2093 2656

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Address: No. 10, Longyuan Street, Xiagang Village, Chang 'an Town, Dongguan city (The Second Chimlong Industrial Park)     Phone:0769-8904 9836 Fax:0769-8904 9835 Mobile:188 2093 2656
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